In order to get the best health experience with our body, we need to be able to maintain a consistent environment where our cells are given the opportunity to thrive and regenerate. How we move (or don’t move) and use are body on a daily basis plays a big role in the maintenance of our physiological systems: cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, reproductive, digestive and nervous. It can also effect our emotional, mental and spiritual states.
Within the body, the musculoskeletal system is the foundation for our other systems to work efficiently. The skeleton provides the frame for our muscles to attach. The muscles activate and provide the stimulus to pump the oxygen rich blood to all of the body for optimal regeneration of new cells, as well as facilitate waste removal into the lymphatic system.
Consistent practice of alignment principles ensures that the body is in position to allow joints to have full range of motion and muscles are at their appropriate length to stabilize the body and optimize metabolic pathways for daily activities. It also provides a means for you to experience a greater range in your emotional, mental and spiritual sense of fulfillment as you begin to discover where your body is and how you are using it.
Many of our ailments are a result of incorrect use of our body. When the “foundation” starts to shift from baseline, we get increased stress risers or breakdown, which leads to tissue degeneration: arthritis, muscle/ligament tears, muscle strains, organ dysfunction, spinal degeneration, disc herniations.
The more we can pay attention to the objective alignment markers on our body, and be true to our natural design, we can be more vital and pain free! For those of you who would like to know more about the Whole Body Alignment training click here! For those of you who would like to experience an alignment session click here! For those of you ready to get started with 10 of the 25 Alignment Points to Optimal Health, see below: