- Pectineus
- Adductor brevis
- Adductor longus
- Adductor magnus
- Gracilis
When the foot is not planted on the ground, the adductors will bring the leg toward the midline, and flex the hip when the thigh is in an extended position as in the swing phase of the gait (walking) cycle.
The adductors play a significant role during walking and are active in all phases of the gait cycle. The adductors are a part of two important functional kinetic chains:
- Lateral Sling: comprised of the adductors, same side gluteus medius/minimus, opposite side quadratus lumborum. This chain is responsible for frontal plane stabilization of the lumbo/pelvic/hip complex during single leg stance (stance phase of gait), squatting and lunging.
- Anterior Oblique Sling: comprised of the adductors, same side internal oblique, opposite side external oblique and hip external rotators. This chain is responsible for transverse plane stabilization during trunk rotation in gait, throwing, swinging, twisting activities.